Archaeological Services


Maritime Archaeology Ltd works with many clients and heritage organisations, offering a comprehensive range of archaeological services in both the commercial and the private sector. We can provide you with archaeological solutions to your specific project challenges in an efficient and cost-effective way.

Our services include:

Consultancy services

Retained Archaeologist

As your retained archaeologist we are able to advise you as your project develops, giving you the full support of our expertise when you need it.

Environmental Assessments (EIA, ZEA, PEI & REA)

We  provide consultancy, scoping input, brief and specification development, written schemes of investigation, full heritage assessment, impact and monitoring services.

Desk Based Assessments (DBA)

Desk based assessments are used to support the developer’s planning application. Maritime Archaeology Ltd will provide you with a high quality, accurate document reducing risks in the planning and post-planning stages.

Written Scheme of Investigations (WSI)

We will provide a customised WSI which details the specific archaeological mitigation measures needed for your project and sets out detailed archaeological method statements that mitigate the effects on all the known and potential archaeological features within the development area.

Protocol for Archaeological Discoveries (PAD)

We will provide customised protocols, liaise with clients and curators to agree a suitable PAD and implement it on your behalf. The PAD is an effective measure of monitoring for archaeology and providing effective mitigation where a conventional watching brief may not be suitable.

Advice on Planning for the Historic Environment and the Marine and Coastal Access Act (2009)

We will advise local planning authorities and other consultants on how to make well-informed and effective plans when managing, protecting, repairing, restoring, adding to or altering heritage assets on land or in the marine zone.

Grant Application Support

We have a successful history of project-funding development and are therefore well-qualified to help in your bid. Our advice and services relate to a range of maritime heritage areas.

Research and Analysis

We have extensive experience of strategic and research-based projects . This includes work for heritage agencies, government departments and Universities in the UK and abroad.

Archaeological assessment services

Geophysical Services

Geophysical data can be used as a rapid and cost-effective way to map the seabed in order gain an understanding of the archaeological potential of the development area. Maritime Archaeology Ltd are using the latest techniques to ensure that the clients needs are being met while guaranteeing industry best practice in being adhered to.

Geotechnical Services

Many marine developments require the collection of vibrocore, borehole and grab samples. Maritime Archaeology Ltd provide sample recording, geoarchaeological assessments and in-depth analysis services

Technical Modelling and 3D Services

Our technical expertise includes 3D modelling which can be added to any project’s data collation and output. We use cutting-edge applications in virtual as well as in image processing, dynamic monitoring and structural analysis of artefacts and features.

Corporate Training

Maritime Archaeology Ltd offers a range of specialist short courses which are aimed at staff of all levels and can be run as in-house, interactive sessions taught by experts in maritime archaeology and the marine industry.

Archaeological Field services

Watching Briefs

When activities involve bringing objects or deposits onto the deck of a construction vessel, a watching brief may be appropriate. We provide watching briefs on seabed preparations covering marine and inter-tidal cable operations, grapnel surveys and cable laying.

Diving and Intertidal Field Surveys

Your project may require the full use of our experienced diving team in the coastal, inter-tidal and offshore zones for archaeological investigations. Maritime Archaeology Ltd provides many clients with archaeological staff to work within their commercial or heritage diving teams on a project or retained basis

Marine heritage is often located along our coasts and foreshores. Maritime Archaeology Ltd. will provide you with a rapid and efficient intertidal or foreshore survey targeted to the needs of your project.