Key Staff

Garry Momber, Director (BA, MSc, MIfA)

Garry has more than 35 years of experience with maritime cultural heritage both nationally and internationally including,practical research, academic, public outreach and management.

Having served almost two years working offshore as a Seismic Navigator he returned to his chosen profession working for the Nautical Archaeological Society and the Maritime Archaeology Trust, and as a visiting lecturer for the Universities of Southampton and Bristol. He joined the Maritime Archaeology Trust as the full time Archaeological Officer in 1997 in which time he helped to instigate a pioneering agenda of fieldwork and research. In January 2002 he was promoted to the MAT Director.

He has been the Director of Maritime Archaeology Ltd since its formation in 2004.

Garry Momber

Brandon Mason, Business Development & Project Manager (BSc, MA)

Brandon is responsible for the forward planning of large scale marine and coastal cultural heritage assessments, using his knowledge and experience to work with the established best practice to deliver high quality, value for money results.

Brandon has successfully managed a range of EIA projects and reports, from wind farms to cable export routes, aggregate dredging to large scale harbour developments. Brandon has honed his portfolio of archaeological interpretive and reporting skills, managing a team specialising in delivering these aspects in an efficient and effective manner.

Brandon Mason

Julie Satchell, Head of Research (BA, MA, MIfA)

Julie is Head of Research and has an extensive background in the management of archaeology and the marine historic environment. Her expertise lies in a variety of areas; shipwreck research, maritime archives, EIAs, understanding of strategic legislation and policy in marine planning, archaeological best practice, heritage consultancy, and quality assurance.

Julie Satchell

Christin Heamagi, Senior Consultant (BA, MA)

Christin is a Senior Consultant, responsible for planning and developing a wide range of commissioned archaeological projects, focusing on best practice and guidance by producing Archaeological Written scheme of Investigation (WSI) documents and Environmental Statements (ES) chapters. Christin has also developed an extensive knowledge of the geophysical and geoarchaeological aspects of large-scale projects.

Christin Heamagi

Lowri Roberts, Senior Consultant (BSc, MSc)

Lowri is a Senior Consultant with extensive experience in both field archaeology and the production of documents and chapters for offshore developments. Lowri is also a member of the Maritime Archaeology HSE dive team.

Lowri Roberts

Heather Anderson, Junior Consultant (BA, MSc)

Heather is a Junior Consultant with experience in practical and research components of maritime archaeology. Heather supports the production of documents and chapters for offshore developments (including wind farms and seaweed cultivation), and in the assessment of geophysical data. Heather is also a member of the Maritime Archaeology HSE dive team.

Heather Anderson

Tess Lindsay, Junior Consultant (BA, MSc)

Tess is a Junior Consultant who supports the production of documents and chapters for offshore developments, the assessment of geophysical and geotechnical data and desk-based research. Tess is also a member of the HSE dive team.

Tess Lindsay
To request a quote or to discuss your project requirements, please contact Brandon Mason on +44 (0) 23 8023 7300 or email us with any general enquiries.