Privacy Policy

Registered Company Name: Maritime Archaeology ltd
Registered No: 4923815

Place of Registration: A company registered in England & Wales
Registered Office: Room W1/95, National Oceanography Centre, Empress Dock, Southampton. SO14 3ZH

This privacy statement only covers the MA Ltd website and does not extend to links to other websites.

The only personal information MA Ltd may collect from you via this website is your email address and any other personal information which you forward to us by email. This information will be processed in accordance with, and will comply with, the Data Protection Act 1998.

Your personal information will be processed for the following specified purposes:

  • Processing or replying to your requests.
  • Sending you information which you have requested.
  • Auditing usage of this website; and monitoring usage of this website to enable MA Ltd to update and tailor the website to meet the needs of users.
  • MA Ltd does not share or use any information gained from this website with the exception of the Maritime Archaeology Trust, our owning charity.